18K Virtual Option: If you still want to be a part of the Hogpen Race experience, but not able to make the trip for race day, you can register for a virtual option. Send us your registration, select virtual race (making sure to mark your shirt size) and “join us” from wherever you may be. Run an 18K course of your choosing and email your time before 6 p.m. on race day. Send your time to: aaaraceservices@windstream.net. Only racers who run the Hogpen course on race day will be eligible for age group awards. Even if you have already registered and want to change to virtual, just let us know.
Registration/Beach House access: Due to social distance protocols, access to the Beach House will be limited to check in and race day registrations. Only 10 racers will be allowed in the building at a time and all refreshments and drinks will at outside locations. Awards will be presented at the finish line of both the 5K and 18K race locations. The giant Hog that you so love having your photo taken with will be at the Beach House area prior to the Piglet 5K, and then moved to the top of the mountain for the 18K race. Rest room facilities will be open and available in the parking area at start of the 5K and a port-o-let will be at the 18K finish line area. Again, there will be limited access to the Beach House. Face coverings are required at all times inside the building.
Transportation: It will truly be hard to social distance in crowded vans/mini buses so we will have VERY LIMITED transport only from the top of the hill back down to the Beach House parking area. There is a scenic overlook parking area about ½ mile before you get to the finish line, and you are encouraged to car pool when possible, and park in that area. Also, if you have spectators and fans coming with you, encourage them to pick you up at that area or the finish line area. There will be very limited parking at the finish line area. If you need to make arrangements for transport, or have concerns, please email director@habitatnega.org and we will see how we can help.
Water & Gatorade stations will still be set up on the course as usual, and there will be soup, fruit and drinks at the finish line of the 18K. Just remember, there will not be vehicles for you to sit in at the top so plan accordingly.
Baggage transport: we will still offer transport of bags from the registration area to the top of the finish line of Hogpen